International Examinations and Standardised Testing

International Examinations are an effective way for schools to judge the standards that their students are achieving compared to an international benchmark. We are proud that our students consistently score above the world average in these examinations.

IGCSE Examinations

At St Andrews Green Valley, students sit IGCSE examinations in a wide range of core and elective subjects at the end of Year 11. As a school we sit examinations from two different UK Examination Boards: Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) and Pearson Edexcel. More than one hundred thousand Year 11 students from around the world sit IGCSE exams each year. Students at St Andrews Green Valley also achieve grades far in excess of international standards and are regularly recognized for achieving some of the best subject and overall results in Thailand.

The IB Diploma Examinations

Year 13 students sit International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations at the end of their last year of secondary schooling and use the results to apply to universities around the world. Like IGCSE examinations, IB exam results are recognized by all the top universities around the world. St Andrews Green Valley students are renowned for achieving excellent IB Diploma results. In recent years, two of our students have achieved a perfect IB Diploma score of 45 points. We are also very proud to say that over the past 10 years we have had a 100% IB Diploma pass rate, compared to an international average of 80%.

Standardised Testing

IGCSE and IB examinations inform students and parents of their current academic level at the end of Year 11 and Year 13, measured against international benchmarks. In addition to these examinations, at Green Valley we use internationally recognized standardised testing to provide students and parents with regular information about their child’s current level of attainment and future prospects against international standards.

We achieve this by:

  • Year 7, 8 and 9 students sit GL tests in English and Mathematics
  • Year 7 students sit CAT4 tests which give grade predictions for the end of Year 9
  • Year 10 students sit Yellis tests which give grade predictions for IGCSE exams
  • Year 12 students sit CEM IBE (ALIS) tests which give grade predictions for IB exams

Recognised SAT centre

St Andrews Green Valley is an accredited centre for SAT examinations. SAT exams can be used in university applications, especially if a student is applying to a university in Thailand or the USA. Students interested in sitting SAT exams must apply through the College Board organisation.

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Discover a world of opportunities under one roof as this truly international education creates and offers choices of curriculum suited to your child's future path.