School News


Green Valley Champions Ecoliteracy and Outdoor Education at the 2024 OFFSEAS Conference

In today’s world, where education transcends the confines of traditional classrooms, Green Valley is at the forefront of integrating outdoor learning and ecoliteracy into our core curriculum. Our commitment to holistic education was recently showcased on the international stage when three of our teachers—Ms. Jo Clark, Ms. Rosie Giordano, and Mr. Ben Shield—represented Green Valley […] Read more
Cherry crowned Miss Grand Rayong
March 22, 2024

Celebrating Excellence: Cherry’s Journey to Miss Grand Rayong

At St Andrews International School, Green Valley, we take immense pride in our students’ achievements and the transformative power of our International Baccalaureate (IB) programme. Among our exceptional students, Cherry stands out as a shining example of determination, talent, and grace. From her outstanding performance in academic pursuits to her remarkable success in extracurricular activities, […] Read more